Thursday, February 26, 2009

The pills for the Methotrexate have really been better than the shots, despite the fact that the pills are supposed to have worse side effects. I’m really doing a lot better on Sunday’s now after taking the medicine. The drawback is that the dosage is cut way down. With that and now with the lower dose of Prednisone (12 mg) I am feeling some pain in my ankles at different times of day.

The Prednisone comes in 2.5 mg doses so I take 1 in the morning, then 2 at lunch and 2 and dinner. I can really tell a difference between the time I take 1 and when I take 2. I have tried shifting the schedule and taking 1 in the morning seems to work out the best. You would think that I would hurt more in the morning more because it has been so long since I took my last dose… (6 PM to 6 AM) but it is better this way then taking the one lower dose during lunch or at dinner. My guess is that it has more to do with how much I am on my feet then how long it is between doses. I think I might split up the doses, taking one 2.5 mg pill every 3 hours starting at 8:00 AM. That would spread the dosages out much more evenly through the day, but it would be much more of a hassle. Also I am worried about taking it so late at night as it makes it hard to sleep. I’ll have to think about that more.

The biopsy is still bothering me. The swelling hasn’t fully gone away yet and it sometimes hurts when I breath deeply or and laying down. I’m not sure I would have done it knowing what I know now. Doctors really tend to play things down. I wonder if they would be so ready to do surgery if it were going to be done on them.

Over all I am a little concerned about the pain I am having. The current medicine is just barely keeping it under control, but that is only if I stay off of my feet. I am hoping that my body will adjust and it won’t be so bad, but if not I don’t think I will be able to lower the Prednisone in a month when I am scheduled too. For now I’ll have to wait and see, I’m just glad I’ve dropped down so far on the Prednisone. =)


Cold-Hollow said...

Hi Mike,
I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. I watch for new posts to see how you're doing. My thoughts are with you. My own journey with Sarcoidosis so far has been much easier than others, but time will tell.
Take care, and keep us posted.

Mike said...


Thanks for the encouraging words! It is good to hear that you are having good luck fighting this... gives me hope. =) It is probably because of your diet, keep it up!

By the way, I like your Blog. You've really written a lot! 94 posts since the begining of the year... Amazing!
